Teens and young adults who start using alcohol, tobacco, Marijuana or other drugs are at higher risk of addiction. This is because a growing brain is more vulnerable to drug dependence. 10% of Smith County 12th graders students report that they have smoked Marijuana in their lifetime. 14% of Smith County 12th graders report using vaping devices with Marijuana. Studies show that teens who use Marijuana are FOUR to SEVEN times more likely than adults to develop a drug problem! For some people, Marijuana use can cause paranoia and anxiety. It can even increase the risk of depression and suicide. Young people who use Marijuana may be at higher risk for these mental health problems. Teens may also be at higher risk for distorted thinking, psychosis and schizophrenia. If a person already has mental health problems, marijuana use can make them worse. Under-age use is illegal. No matter what the law is for your state for adults, marijuana use is illegal if you’re under age 21.