
8 posts


The average age that students begin using a vaping device in Smith County is 14 years old! Vaping products are becoming increasingly popular among youth, but the results of using these devices are harmful, and potentially deadly. Studies show that teens who try vapes are twice as likely to smoke regular tobacco cigarettes. Vapes have different levels of nicotine. People using vapes may be getting more nicotine than they realize. This may actually make quitting […]


  Teens and young adults who start using alcohol, tobacco, Marijuana or other drugs are at higher risk of addiction. This is because a growing brain is more vulnerable to drug dependence. 10% of Smith County 12th graders students report that they have smoked Marijuana in their lifetime. 14% of Smith County 12th graders report using vaping devices with Marijuana. Studies show that teens who use Marijuana are FOUR to SEVEN times more likely than […]


Simulants consist of different substances such as: cocaine, Adderall, Ritalin, and Methamphetamine. The average age a youth is introduced to Methamphetamine in the state of TN is under 13 years old! In Smith County, that age drops to under 10 years old! Smith County Drug Prevention Coalition is working under a new grant that targets stimulant use among Smith County students and young adults. For more information on how you can volunteer to help stop […]

Opioids and Naloxone

In 2020 there where 13 overdose deaths in Smith County Tennessee More Americans died of drug overdoses in 2016 than died in the entire Vietnam War according to a report by Josh Katz for the New York Times. According to the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, in 2019 there where 2,089 opioid related deaths in the state of Tennessee.  ALMOST SIX DEATHS EVERY DAY!   Accidental Opioid Overdose has been declared a […]

Underage Drinking or Binge Drinking

Research indicates that the human brain continues to develop into a person’s early 20’s, and that exposure of the developing brain to alcohol may have long-lasting effects on intellectual capabilities and may increase the likelihood of alcohol addiction. The age when drinking starts affects future drinking problems. For each year that the start of drinking is delayed, the risk of later alcohol dependence is reduced by 14 percent Binge Drinking is defined as a pattern […]

Prescription Drug Abuse

Young people are increasingly abusing prescription drugs because they view them as somehow safer than illegal drugs. However, some prescription medications are considered controlled substances, and their improper distribution and use is both illegal and dangerous. Intentional abuse of drugs such as pain relievers, stimulants, tranquilizers, and sedatives is a growing concern. Next to marijuana, the most common drugs that teens use to get high are prescription drugs. Oxycontin and Vicodin are the most commonly abused. […]

Drug Drop Boxes

​Smith County now has two convenient drug drop boxes. These locations are available, 24/7, to discard unused, unwanted medications. Anyone can drop off prescription, over-the-counter, or veterinarian medicines at the Smith County Sheriff Department or at the Carthage Police Department. To prevent accidental overdose, or intentional misuse, please properly dispose of all unwanted or out-of-date medicines. Keep all medicines in a locked medicine box or cabinet. Medicine Lock Boxes are available at Wal-Mart, Lowes, and online at Amazon. 4 […]

Count it Lock it Drop It

Count It!  Count your pills every two weeks.  This will help prevent theft of your medications. Click HERE to download a Counting Sheet or stop by the Smith County Drug Prevention Coalition at 122 Turner High Circle, Suite 111 Carthage TN, for a free counting sheet. Lock It!  Lock up your medications.  The Smith County Drug Prevention Coalition offers free medication lock boxes or medicine disposal kits. Drop It! Properly dispose of unused or expired […]